Location: CAMP DAVID,DC,Maryland,Washington,White House
TC Begins: 14:10:28
TC Ends: 14:21:14
Duration: 00:10:46
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk
1968 - Johnson, Pres. meeting w/ advisors, Cabinet; Riots; Camp David; Austrian Chancellor; Speech at 1968 Civil Rights Bill signing. Apr68
LBJ waves from top of Air Force One steps, seen from inside plane; enters plane.
14:10:34 Narrator VO. 03Apr68 White House ext & int w/ UN Ambassador Arthur Goldberg. Headlines re talks w/ North Vietnam. CUs. LBJ speaking at Cabinet meeting. CUs.
14:11:46 President Johnson VO: “Accordingly we will establish contact w/ the representatives of North Vietnam...”
14:12:07 LBJ talking w/ Senator Robert (Bobby) Kennedy & several others.
14:12:48 LBJ meeting w/ VP Humphrey after Mexico City trip. CUs.
14:13:02 CU sign: We are saddened that The Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. lost his life in the crusade to gain equality for all men through peace. Plywood w/ Sole Brother written on it.
14:13:08 Tattered flag hanging from damaged building; riot scenes w/ firemen fighting fires, fire trucks. Police & arrests (VERY GOOD). LBJ VO about MLK “no words of mine can fill the void...”
14:14:23 LBJ speaking “The dream of Martin Luther King has not died with him....America shall not be ruled by the bullet but only by the ballot of free, and of just, men. CU of Congressional leaders & Black leaders standing beside & behind LBJ.
14:15:02 Narrator VO. pix of Soldiers patrolling rubble strewn streets & gutted buildings; w/ bayonets; night & army turcks thru empty streets. (GOOD)
14:15:29 Lady Bird speaking, SOF “...how to live in Peace.”
14:15:35 06Apr68 LBJ w/ General Westmoreland talking at White House dinner table. MCUs.
14:16:08 LBJ at microphones outside W.H. w/ Dean Rusk, Clark Clifford & others. Westmoreland to mic; LS of reporters, newsreel cameras & VIPs.
14:16:39 LBJ w/ Secretary of State Dean Rusk reading papers at cabinet table. CUs talking w/ Clark Clifford (MOS).
14:17:04 09Apr68 Ext of Camp David; Presidential helicopter landing. JFK greeting Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker w/ Rusk, Secretary of Defense Clifford & General Earle Wheeler, Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, off helicopter. Exteriors, interiors of meeting. MCU Averell Harriman & others. Sitting outdoors in sun talking. GOOD.
14:18:22 US flag on pole at half-staff; exteriors of Camp David buildings; LBJ & Bunker walking, talking.
14:18:43 Voice of Bunker speaking as they walk. Group poses.
14:19:29 10Apr68 Ext of White House & VO of LBJ greeting Chancellor Josef Klaus of Austria & wife on WH south lawn. Crowd watching.
14:19:45 LBJ at lectern SOF of greeting re turbulence in America & Eastern Europe. LS of Marines intercut w/ LBJ speaking. Intercut w/ crowd holding flags.
14:21:07 Group walking into WH.
Vietnam War; Diplomacy; Diplomats;
NOTE: Sell at per reel rate.
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk 1968 - Johnson, Pres. meeting w/ advisors, Cabinet; Riots; Camp David; Austrian Chancellor; Speech at 1968 Civil Rights Bill signing. Apr68 LBJ waves from top of Air Force One steps, seen from inside plane; enters plane. 14:10:34 Narrator VO. 03Apr68 White House ext & int w/ UN Ambassador Arthur Goldberg. Headlines re talks w/ North Vietnam. CUs. LBJ speaking at Cabinet meeting. CUs. 14:11:46 President Johnson VO: “Accordingly we will establish contact w/ the representatives of North Vietnam...” 14:12:07 LBJ talking w/ Senator Robert (Bobby) Kennedy & several others. 14:12:48 LBJ meeting w/ VP Humphrey after Mexico City trip. CUs. 14:13:02 CU sign: We are saddened that The Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. lost his life in the crusade to gain equality for all men through peace. Plywood w/ Sole Brother written on it. 14:13:08 Tattered flag hanging from damaged building; riot scenes w/ firemen fighting fires, fire trucks. Police & arrests (VERY GOOD). LBJ VO about MLK “no words of mine can fill the void...” 14:14:23 LBJ speaking “The dream of Martin Luther King has not died with him....America shall not be ruled by the bullet but only by the ballot of free, and of just, men. CU of Congressional leaders & Black leaders standing beside & behind LBJ. 14:15:02 Narrator VO. pix of Soldiers patrolling rubble strewn streets & gutted buildings; w/ bayonets; night & army turcks thru empty streets. (GOOD) 14:15:29 Lady Bird speaking, SOF “...how to live in Peace.” 14:15:35 06Apr68 LBJ w/ General Westmoreland talking at White House dinner table. MCUs. 14:16:08 LBJ at microphones outside W.H. w/ Dean Rusk, Clark Clifford & others. Westmoreland to mic; LS of reporters, newsreel cameras & VIPs. 14:16:39 LBJ w/ Secretary of State Dean Rusk reading papers at cabinet table. CUs talking w/ Clark Clifford (MOS). 14:17:04 09Apr68 Ext of Camp David; Presidential helicopter landing. JFK greeting Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker w/ Rusk, Secretary of Defense Clifford & General Earle Wheeler, Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, off helicopter. Exteriors, interiors of meeting. MCU Averell Harriman & others. Sitting outdoors in sun talking. GOOD. 14:18:22 US flag on pole at half-staff; exteriors of Camp David buildings; LBJ & Bunker walking, talking. 14:18:43 Voice of Bunker speaking as they walk. Group poses. 14:19:29 10Apr68 Ext of White House & VO of LBJ greeting Chancellor Josef Klaus of Austria & wife on WH south lawn. Crowd watching. 14:19:45 LBJ at lectern SOF of greeting re turbulence in America & Eastern Europe. LS of Marines intercut w/ LBJ speaking. Intercut w/ crowd holding flags. 14:21:07 Group walking into WH. Vietnam War; Diplomacy; Diplomats; NOTE: Sell at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk