Chicago, Illinois - Martin Luther King Rioting Aftermath, 07-08Apr68 Pt. 1 of 2
Slate: 08Apr68 Cameraman H. Bowen. CU painted brick wall sign: Entrance Open Sunday & pan to show burned out building; pedestrians on sidewalk & man in BG sweeping street. Smoking rubble of collapsed tenement buildings. Street signs: N. Roosevelt & Spaulding Av (?). No Right Turn. Tilt down to smoky view of burned, destroyed houses; pan across smoking bricks.
14:01:36 Soldiers up sidewalk w/ rifles, Black pedestrians behind; past burning building remains. CU flames and iron reinforcing, rebar. Army truck w/ troops past, semi-truck following on deserted street w/ some parked cars. Pan w/ jeep & soldiers past burned out blocks. POV riding in jeep past military sentries. VERY GOOD.
14:04:00 Blacks walking past burned out building. Boys throwing stones into rubble. View looking at boys throwing stone from from across smoking rubble; others walking past; soldiers patrolling.
14:05:13 Low angle of soldier w/ rifle on rubble, others marching past.
14:05:38 Line of soldiers of 2nd Bn, 129th Inf from Elgin, Illinois on grass at edge of Douglas Park (?). Reverse angle & traffic passing, including jeep w/ wire protection & truckload of soldiers. Black teenagers etc playing baseball & or softball in park, traffic behind, no soldiers visible. GOOD.
14:07:14 Jeep & army trucks w/ troops past.
14:07:30 Modern First Methodist Church building, tilt up & pan over plaza w/ US, County & State flags at half mast. Large sculpture. Tall buildings surrounding square & pedestrians.
14:08:22 CU of sculpture & flags behind (overexposed?). Pan around buildings from center of square. Flags on poles, waving in breeze.
14:09:45 Street signs: E. Wacker Dr., N. State St., Route 20 & buildings behind.
Military; Riot Aftermath; Poverty; Race; Ethnic; African-Americans; 1968; 1960s;
Chicago, Illinois - Martin Luther King Rioting Aftermath, 07-08Apr68 Pt. 1 of 2 Slate: 08Apr68 Cameraman H. Bowen. CU painted brick wall sign: Entrance Open Sunday & pan to show burned out building; pedestrians on sidewalk & man in BG sweeping street. Smoking rubble of collapsed tenement buildings. Street signs: N. Roosevelt & Spaulding Av (?). No Right Turn. Tilt down to smoky view of burned, destroyed houses; pan across smoking bricks. 14:01:36 Soldiers up sidewalk w/ rifles, Black pedestrians behind; past burning building remains. CU flames and iron reinforcing, rebar. Army truck w/ troops past, semi-truck following on deserted street w/ some parked cars. Pan w/ jeep & soldiers past burned out blocks. POV riding in jeep past military sentries. VERY GOOD. 14:04:00 Blacks walking past burned out building. Boys throwing stones into rubble. View looking at boys throwing stone from from across smoking rubble; others walking past; soldiers patrolling. 14:05:13 Low angle of soldier w/ rifle on rubble, others marching past. 14:05:38 Line of soldiers of 2nd Bn, 129th Inf from Elgin, Illinois on grass at edge of Douglas Park (?). Reverse angle & traffic passing, including jeep w/ wire protection & truckload of soldiers. Black teenagers etc playing baseball & or softball in park, traffic behind, no soldiers visible. GOOD. 14:07:14 Jeep & army trucks w/ troops past. 14:07:30 Modern First Methodist Church building, tilt up & pan over plaza w/ US, County & State flags at half mast. Large sculpture. Tall buildings surrounding square & pedestrians. 14:08:22 CU of sculpture & flags behind (overexposed?). Pan around buildings from center of square. Flags on poles, waving in breeze. 14:09:45 Street signs: E. Wacker Dr., N. State St., Route 20 & buildings behind. Military; Riot Aftermath; Poverty; Race; Ethnic; African-Americans; 1968; 1960s;