Reel Number: 300188
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1930s,1932
Country: China Japan,England,Germany,Italy,United Kingdom,USA
Location: avon,New York,RHENISH PRUSSIA,stratford,upon,West Point
TC Begins: 01:00:00
TC Ends: 01:06:09
Duration: 00:06:09
1932 - Newsreel Stories: Shakespeare; West Point; Prussian Election; Crop Dusting; Hobby; Mussolini; China or Japan Earthquake Aftermath. Apr-May32 Intertitle: Prince Presides At $1,000,000 Shakespeare Theatre Dedication. Stratford On Avon, England 01:00:03 Aerial over city on river; view of theatre complex from water. Low Angle / LA of Statue of Shakespeare on monument. 01:00:16 23Apr32 LS Crowd, flags on poles, people watching arriving VIPs. MS Prince of Wales (Edward VIII) arriving, greeted; crowd around front. 01:00:35 Prince unlocking door & enters; crowd in front, flags. 01:00:50 MS Prince into Royal automobile; aerial over theater. Slug. 01:01:01 Marching West Point cadets w/ building behind. March in review on parade grounds, LS & MCU, Army officers w/ medals watching. Marching & CU of new Academy Superintendent, William Durward Connor; Slug. 01:01:37 Officer salutes & shakes hands w/ Hitler out of plane in Prussia , Hitler shakes hands w/ others. 01:01:44 City & leaflets passed out on sidewalk to pedestrians outside Bahnhof Potsdamer Platz. MCU Mounted police along street, other police watch, arriving police marching & overhead shot. 01:02:03 Line of police; line of protesters wearing placards, CU placards re war mongers. Pedestrians, police, arrest. Catholic nuns out of hall after voting ; 2 men in Lederhosen. 01:02:33 Int. People at table counting ballots. Slug 01:02:47 Men loading chemicals from bags into crop duster monoplane. CU nozzles beneath; motor starts. 01:02:59 Pan w/ plane dusting low over onion field; from aircraft following above on return pass. Slug. 01:03:25 MCU man painting model fish made from nuts; series in home aquarium from walnut, almonds, pecans & pistachios. CU fish, chickens, caterpillar, turkey, spider. Oddities; hobby; 01:04:13 Intertitle: Fascism Adds 200,000 New Adherents On City’s 2685th Birthday. Rome, Italy. 01:04:19 LS High Angle / HA across crowd in square w/ monuments. MS Mussolini speaking (brief); cheering crowd & Blackshirts. 01:04:35 CU Mussolini. Pan crowd. MS Mussolini w/ officers & Arab / Ethiopian . 01:04:52 HA Marching youth group & crowd. Slug. 01:05:05 LA over earthquake destruction in China or Japan . Smoke & firemen hosing down, MCU. LS people walking thru leveled buildings; MS sorting thru rubble. 01:05:52 Men, women & children at table outside of standing houses; MCU rice balls passed out. Man eating w/ chopsticks from wooden box. People moving about in rubble. 01:06:02 LS snow capped mountain. Slug. 1930s; Nazi Rise; German Elections; Army Military Academy;