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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221207-13
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1930s
Country: Belgium
Location: Brussels
TC Begins: 22:40:38
TC Ends: 22:44:22
Duration: 00:03:44
Paul van Zeeland Speaking in English; Leon Degrelle Speaking in French MCU SOF in English. 22:40:52 Wall of election & other posters w/ good 1930s graphics. Large square & parade of large paper mache figures of Lenin & van Zeeland w/ large life-size “hand-puppets”. Men driving small cars w/ election posters for Van Zeeland. Street scenes. Catholic priest walks past. Men voting. Ballots stamped. Crowded street scenes. Woman shouting. Two men fighting on cobblestone street. 22:41:40 Leon Degrelle speaks (SOF) in French. Leader of Rexist Party (Fascist) supported by Mussolini & Hitler. 22:42:39 People listen to him on balcony (MOS). 22:42:48 1937 van Zeeland outside home (very large mansion). Speaks & reads to camera in English (SOF) says Belgium has overcome the Depression... Politics; Elections; 1930s;