Reel Number: 221789-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1967,1960s
Country: Germany,Indonesia,USA,Vietnam
Location: Bellevue Hospital,Bergstrom AFB,California,Cologne,Jakarta,New York City,NYC,San Francisco,Texas,Zone C
TC Begins: 18:13:52
TC Ends: 18:20:30
Duration: 00:06:38
1967 - Adenauer Funeral; Texas Aircraft Fire; Indonesia Race Riot; Vietnam Refugees; Cargo Drop; Circus; Professional Basketball Championship Intertitle: Adenauer Funeral. Tilt down front of Cologne Cathedral to wreaths. Interior w/ guests; MS mourners including de Gaulle, President Johnson, West German Chancellor Kurt Kiesinger. LS of interior; soldiers carry flag draped coffin, leaders including Willy Brandt follow. Exterior down steps; truck w/ bier past crowds. 18:15:00 Intertitle: News In Brief - Germany. Exterior w/ LBJ visiting President Heinrich aAbke. CUs. Ext LBJ walking w/ Kiesinger. Dean Rusk w/ Willy Brandt. Diplomacy & diplomatic handshaking. 18:15:41 Intertitle: Texas. Firemen, fire truck & burning RF-4C Tactical Reconnaissance plane & home, Bergstrom AFB. 18:16:24 Intertitle: Indonesia. Indonesian youth rioters in Chinese section of Jakarta, throw rocks, destroy Volkswagen bus & beat up Chinese man. Truck into canal, cars overturned. Troops arrive. 18:17:18 Intertitle: Vietnam. Evacuation of villagers from War Zone C. Kids, elderly, CUs. Moving to safer refugee camp 12 miles west of Saigon. Unloading trucks. 18:18:04 Intertitle: California. USAF Cargo transport lo & does airdrop using 4 parachutes to stop load on sled. 18:18:39 Intertitle: New York City. Ringling Brothers Circus entertaining children & other patients & staff outside Bellevue Hospital w/ performing elephants, many clowns. 18:19:21 Intertitle: Sports - San Francisco. NBA Professional basketball playoffs w/ Philadelphia 76ers vs San Francisco Warriors. Wilt Chamberlain, Billy Cunningham. Crowd reactions. Politicians; Diplomats; Racist Rioting; Anti-Chinese; Military Air Drop Demonstration; Trained Animals; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate.