NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at:
23:13:04 Title: Politics!
23:13:06 President Truman Inaugurated; SOF: Truman tells story of hearing Mr Kaltenbourn telling results of the 1948 election.
23:14:13 CU Canadian Prime Minister MacKenzie King. Obituary film.
23:14:30 Title: Cold War!
23:14:32 People in Berlin waving to incoming planes during Berlin Blockade. Truck pulling double trailers w/ supplies; people waving at trains of supplies from Frankfurt. CU Adenauer & ??; swearing in.
23:15:12 Title: Communism! Daily News newspaper headlines: Unite To Stop Reds: Spellman. Crowd w/ large Mindszenty sign; Pope on balcony giving blessing. Swish pan...
23:15:36 Saluting Yugoslavian Marshall Tito w/ Communist leaders in military uniforms. Bridge over river w/ military convoy; large Tito poster. Tito wearing many medals. Swish pan...
23:15:55 Red China parade, large posters of Mao & ?? carried. MCU Chiang Kai-Shek. Large log raft w/ Russian flag. Swish pan...
23:16:18 Federal Courthouse, NYC; pan eleven leaders of American Communist Party; Judge Harold Medina, defendants into US Marshal’s police van. CU lock put on door & closed.
23:16:42 Title: Disasters.
Politician Alben Barkley & new bride Jane Rucker Hadley.
23:16:46 Title: Atom Bomb! Newspaper headlines re Russian Atom Blast. Vishinsky out of car, angrily talks w/ reporters; General Assembly of United Nations.
23:17:18 MCU of ?? SOF: “The impasse that now exists regarding the international control of atomic energy must be broken, and the assembly must face this question squarely for the sake of mankind & for the Peace of the World.”
23:17:37 Huge atomic test blast; Graphic image: ? 1950. The End.
1949 Year In Review; Highlights;
Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: GOOD sound of Truman imitating Kaltenbourn 15 23:13:06 & Unid. Asian at 23:17:18 - 23:17:37.
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at:
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Title. 23:13:04 Title: Politics! 23:13:06 President Truman Inaugurated; SOF: Truman tells story of hearing Mr Kaltenbourn telling results of the 1948 election. 23:14:13 CU Canadian Prime Minister MacKenzie King. Obituary film. 23:14:30 Title: Cold War! 23:14:32 People in Berlin waving to incoming planes during Berlin Blockade. Truck pulling double trailers w/ supplies; people waving at trains of supplies from Frankfurt. CU Adenauer & ??; swearing in. 23:15:12 Title: Communism! Daily News newspaper headlines: Unite To Stop Reds: Spellman. Crowd w/ large Mindszenty sign; Pope on balcony giving blessing. Swish pan... 23:15:36 Saluting Yugoslavian Marshall Tito w/ Communist leaders in military uniforms. Bridge over river w/ military convoy; large Tito poster. Tito wearing many medals. Swish pan... 23:15:55 Red China parade, large posters of Mao & ?? carried. MCU Chiang Kai-Shek. Large log raft w/ Russian flag. Swish pan... 23:16:18 Federal Courthouse, NYC; pan eleven leaders of American Communist Party; Judge Harold Medina, defendants into US Marshal’s police van. CU lock put on door & closed. 23:16:42 Title: Disasters. Politician Alben Barkley & new bride Jane Rucker Hadley. 23:16:46 Title: Atom Bomb! Newspaper headlines re Russian Atom Blast. Vishinsky out of car, angrily talks w/ reporters; General Assembly of United Nations. 23:17:18 MCU of ?? SOF: “The impasse that now exists regarding the international control of atomic energy must be broken, and the assembly must face this question squarely for the sake of mankind & for the Peace of the World.” 23:17:37 Huge atomic test blast; Graphic image: ? 1950. The End. 1949 Year In Review; Highlights; Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: GOOD sound of Truman imitating Kaltenbourn 15 23:13:06 & Unid. Asian at 23:17:18 - 23:17:37. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: