Reel Number: 221730-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1957,1950s
Country: Canada,England,France,Ghana,Monaco,Morocco,Philippines,United Kingdom,USA,USSR
Location: DC,London,Louisiana,Monte Carlo,New York City,NYC,Ottawa,Paris,Washington
TC Begins: 19:00:05
TC Ends: 19:06:14
Duration: 00:06:09
News Highlights Of 1957 19:00:10 Flag on pole on Library of Congress seen w/ Capitol seen behind w/ Presidential Inaugural stand under construction. President Eisenhower completing oath w/ Chief Justice Warren, crowd applauds, Ike at mic (SOF): “May the turbulence of our age yield to the true time of Peace when men & nations shall share a life that honors the dignity of each, the brotherhood of all.” Crowd stands applauding. 19:00:36 Anthony Eden posing in doorway, leaves waving w/ reporters at 10 Downing Street. CU Harold MacMillan sitting speaking (SOF): “we can succeed.” 19:00:59 LS Canada’s Parliament (?) Building; MCU Louis St. Laurent leaving office. John Diefenbaker out of car; CU w/ wife after election. 19:01:03 Train into railroad station; crowd waving, Adenauer off talking w/ VIP. W/ VP Nixon & wife in US. 19:01:20 Native African dancers during Ghana independence celebration as first Black Republic in Africa. MCU of Kwame Nkrumah talking w/ Adam Clayton Powell. Army passing in review. 19:01:33 Title: In Memoriam. Obituary film of Ramon Magsaysay after plane crash death. 19:01:46 Overhead shot of coffin & mourners at funeral / wake (?) for Aga Khan III. Shots of life. 19:02:06 Title: Spotlight On Royalty. Ext of White House, Queen Elizabeth & Prince Philip up steps, greeted by Mamie & President Eisenhower, posing for reporters & cameramen. 19:02:22 Fire boats spraying New York harbor w/ small blimp overhead. Queen, ticker-tape from buildings, riding up Broadway in glass top car, view of motorcade. 19:02:38 LS Monte Carlo palace, crowd greeting royalty on return from USA; MCU of godmother holding baby, Caroline. MS Prince, Princess holding baby pose. Balloons released outside. 19:02:55 Title: Terror Reigns End. Smiling George Metesky, mad bomber, walked past reporters, stops & poses w/ MCU. 19:03:09 Russian spy Rudolf Abel, aka Vilyam Genrikhovich Fisher, out of Brooklyn US Marshall’s van & poses, MCU. 19:03:22 Title: Shrinking World. View from above USAF B-52; map showing around the world route. CU of nose of plane in flight & passing under camera. CU General Curtis LeMay w/ cigar. Air-to-air of five jet bombers & contrails; view from behind B-52 above clouds w/ contrails. 19:03:53 Title: Hurricane Disaster. Aerial over destroyed houses & flooded streets, wind blowing bucket down street. Storefronts & houses blown into street; cow lying amidst debris. Dead cattle. People on porch watching heavy rain. Aerial of flood. 19:04:27 Title: Miracle Deliverance. Scaffolding w/ men & police standing around during rescue of Benny Hooper on Long Island. MCU of mother. Boy loaded into ambulance; CU under oxygen tent. 19:04:46 Title: Space Age Arrives. Dog Laika has collar put on, fitted w/ helmet. Rocket launched (staged?); animated diagram w/ Sputnik releasing & passing w/ beeps. Dog(s) in capsule. 19:05:08 Men fitting small satellite on Vanguard rocket; lift-off & rocket collapsing back on launch pad w/ enormous flames. GOOD. 19:05:28 Eiffel tower. Ike & others arriving for NATO conference; John Foster Dulles & ??. CU British Field Marshal Montgomery; CU General Lauris Norstad; Ike past waving from open car. 19:05:55 Rocket on pad, lifts off successfully. Cold War; Natural Disasters; Space Race; 1950s;