Satellite File #083: Afghan-Americans Demo; Computer Chips; Chamber of Commerce BizNet Pt. 1 of 3
Opening montage of stories w/ introduction by Nelson Benton. Montage of Americana: parade, beauty queen on float, people at beach, picnic, Disneyland, break dancer, 4-masted tall ship past Statue of Liberty; fireworks.
00:57:14 Benton introduction to 5th anniversary of protests against Soviet troops in Afghanistan. President Ronald Reagan saying “this is the anniversary of a day of infamy. Protest parade in Washington w/ banners march past camera by 500. Ext. of Soviet Embassy as diplomats leave. CU of demonstrators. Burning of Russian flag.
00:59:06 Demonstrators in Los Angeles marching to City Hall w/ banners. American doctor tells of atrocities found in Afghanistan when they worked there.
01:00:11 Nelson Benton seque.
01:00:44 CU of computer chip, manufacturing. Anti-piracy law to stop computer chip piracy. Public relations people tell why it is important. Views of women at microscopes & machinery.
01:02:23 Satellite TV studio of Biznet run by US Chamber of Commerce. Function is described by ?? with point of view of Chamber of Commerce to the opening of trade w/ other countires. Audience of people in Seoul, Korea & Washington, DC shown.
Propaganda; Capitalism; Communications;
Satellite File #083: Afghan-Americans Demo; Computer Chips; Chamber of Commerce BizNet Pt. 1 of 3 Opening montage of stories w/ introduction by Nelson Benton. Montage of Americana: parade, beauty queen on float, people at beach, picnic, Disneyland, break dancer, 4-masted tall ship past Statue of Liberty; fireworks. 00:57:14 Benton introduction to 5th anniversary of protests against Soviet troops in Afghanistan. President Ronald Reagan saying “this is the anniversary of a day of infamy. Protest parade in Washington w/ banners march past camera by 500. Ext. of Soviet Embassy as diplomats leave. CU of demonstrators. Burning of Russian flag. 00:59:06 Demonstrators in Los Angeles marching to City Hall w/ banners. American doctor tells of atrocities found in Afghanistan when they worked there. 01:00:11 Nelson Benton seque. 01:00:44 CU of computer chip, manufacturing. Anti-piracy law to stop computer chip piracy. Public relations people tell why it is important. Views of women at microscopes & machinery. 01:02:23 Satellite TV studio of Biznet run by US Chamber of Commerce. Function is described by ?? with point of view of Chamber of Commerce to the opening of trade w/ other countires. Audience of people in Seoul, Korea & Washington, DC shown. Propaganda; Capitalism; Communications;