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1940s & 1950s, USSR: Communist Cult of Stalin; Shoppers; Siberia; Stalin Death; Virgin Lands; 20th Party Congress & Khrushchev
Large poster / pictures of Stalin & Beria behind Beria speaking at microphones.
02:38:43 Montage: Soldier in street, light snow; cars on highway, one w/ Christmas tree on top; people carrying Xmas trees, shoppers walking past store windows w/ dolls & gifts on rotating window display, children watching. Crowd at entrance to GUM department store. Tracking shot past clerks fitting women’s dresses & gowns.
02:39:14 Montage: 1950 calendar. Driver in heavy equipment; LS earthmoving equipment constructing large reservoir; CU machine operator, bulldozers & buckets. Dam releasing water. Blowing snow. Siberian city, Norilsk, wind blowing snow & people, LS flag in wind over city.
02:40:04 ca 05Mar53. Picture of Stalin on building w/ black bunting, people crying & looking sad over death, CUs. Coffin carried past, salutes fired. CU clock face at 12:00.
02:41:08 Montage: High Angle / HA people on railroad platform alongside passenger train; MCU saying goodbyes to people on train & train leaving station. Happy people, 1954, Virgin Lands campaign. Tractor pulling sledges w/ supplies & cabins; bulldozing snow. 4-bottom plow into ground, grain blowing in wind; combine cutting / harvesting.
02:41:48 CU calendar 1956. Feb56 Winter w/ buses in city; delegates walking w/ Red Square in background to 20th Party Congress meeting. Int. delegates applauding as Khrushchev, Bulganin, Mikoyan, Malenkov & others enter & clap.
02:42:33 Ca. 1930s, archival footage of Khruschchev putting up signs w/ hammer as villagers / women applaud. K. receiving ? from Kalinin w/ handshake; Khrushchev in army coat talking w/ soldiers, citizens; receiving bread & salt as press photographers take pictures.
02:43:15 K. reading speech (MOS) at 1956 Party Congress w/ others sitting behind, delegates listening. Standing applause.
Communism; Socialism; Workers; Cult of Stalin; Housing; Land Development; Denunciation; CCCP Leaders; Cult of Personality;
NOTE: Partial or entire card sold at per reel rate.
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at:
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1940s & 1950s, USSR: Communist Cult of Stalin; Shoppers; Siberia; Stalin Death; Virgin Lands; 20th Party Congress & Khrushchev Large poster / pictures of Stalin & Beria behind Beria speaking at microphones. 02:38:43 Montage: Soldier in street, light snow; cars on highway, one w/ Christmas tree on top; people carrying Xmas trees, shoppers walking past store windows w/ dolls & gifts on rotating window display, children watching. Crowd at entrance to GUM department store. Tracking shot past clerks fitting women’s dresses & gowns. 02:39:14 Montage: 1950 calendar. Driver in heavy equipment; LS earthmoving equipment constructing large reservoir; CU machine operator, bulldozers & buckets. Dam releasing water. Blowing snow. Siberian city, Norilsk, wind blowing snow & people, LS flag in wind over city. 02:40:04 ca 05Mar53. Picture of Stalin on building w/ black bunting, people crying & looking sad over death, CUs. Coffin carried past, salutes fired. CU clock face at 12:00. 02:41:08 Montage: High Angle / HA people on railroad platform alongside passenger train; MCU saying goodbyes to people on train & train leaving station. Happy people, 1954, Virgin Lands campaign. Tractor pulling sledges w/ supplies & cabins; bulldozing snow. 4-bottom plow into ground, grain blowing in wind; combine cutting / harvesting. 02:41:48 CU calendar 1956. Feb56 Winter w/ buses in city; delegates walking w/ Red Square in background to 20th Party Congress meeting. Int. delegates applauding as Khrushchev, Bulganin, Mikoyan, Malenkov & others enter & clap. 02:42:33 Ca. 1930s, archival footage of Khruschchev putting up signs w/ hammer as villagers / women applaud. K. receiving ? from Kalinin w/ handshake; Khrushchev in army coat talking w/ soldiers, citizens; receiving bread & salt as press photographers take pictures. 02:43:15 K. reading speech (MOS) at 1956 Party Congress w/ others sitting behind, delegates listening. Standing applause. Communism; Socialism; Workers; Cult of Stalin; Housing; Land Development; Denunciation; CCCP Leaders; Cult of Personality; NOTE: Partial or entire card sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: