Reel Number: 300339-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1950s,1940s,1957,1956
Country: Czechia,Czechoslovakia,France,Greece,Turkey,USA,USSR
Location: Athens,DC,Elbe River,Istanbul,Paris,Prague,Washington
TC Begins: 01:00:09
TC Ends: 01:09:39
Duration: 00:09:30
Cold War Documentary, 1950s - USA: NATO history, 1945 - 1949 Main titles & introduction. 01:01:35 LS, MS views of traffic, fountains & sentries & flagpoles as cars arrive at Palais de Chaillot, probably for second conference in 1956. MS delegates out of cars. 01:01:51 CU Secretary of State John Foster Dulles; MS of others from France, Germany, Italy, etc. posing. 01:02:11 Seated at tables w/ nation names ringing room. 01:02:28 Montage: European & American crowds celebrating end of WWII; ruins of cathedral & homes/ buildings; military cemetery. 01:02:53 USSR & other soldiers crossing & meeting w/ hugging & kissing on The Elbe; CU handshake. 01:03:07 Churchill, FDR, Stalin seated at Yalta; Potsdam representatives meeting & sitting around round table; MS Stalin. Eastern Europe elections, ballot boxes. PIctures of Stalin & ?? beside flags on building. 01:03:46 Map of Europe w/ USSR & Communist satellite nations identified; animation of USSR overrunning countries (good). 01:04:07 Montage: 3-stack liner entering New York harbor w/ skyscrapers in background; woman greeting; abandoned equipment of Allies in Europe. Demobilization, men into civilian clothes. 01:04:25 Montage: rebuilding; agriculture; Communist USSR troops marching, Stalin reviewing military; MCU various Soviet leaders; parade w/ large picture of Stalin & Stalin watching soldiers w/ bayonets parade. 01:05:00 Map w/ Greece & Turkey, zoom in on Turkey. Istanbul & small boats on Bosphorus view over large mosque to Dardanelles. Turkish sailors raising ship’s flag. 01:05:27 Acropolis w/ tourists; bodies & wounded in 1947 Greek civil war; refugees in rail yard. 01:05:57 Truman speaking to Congress, SOF: I believe that it must be the policy of the United States to support Free peoples who are resisting subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures. Applause. 01:06:23 LS across valley past Spring blossoms to Czechoslovakian Cathedral. Waving crowds cheering President Benes in motorcade. MCU Masyrk; Benes . Molotov in uniform w/ Stalin behind signing agreement. Army & Czech coup; leaders & youth marching. 01:07:20 Montage: Retired President Benes & wife walking in garden of country house. Crowd outside building after Jan Masyrik found dead; CU on casket, girl laying flowers; mourning crowds. Map showing 5 countries signing of March 1948 Brussels treaty aka Western Union. 01:08:20 Montage: lowering of border gate by Russia cutting off Berlin from the West. Soldiers at fence & British Sector sign. Empty rail yard; docked canal barges; empty highways & streets. Pedestrians watch; power shut off. Airlift aircraft arriving, nighttime. Daytime unloading of food supplies, coal shoveled, people watch landing airplanes. Highway gates opened. North Atlantic Military Alliance; Post-WW2; US Anti-Communist Propaganda; North Atlantic Treaty Organization Founding; Anti-Communism;