Gigantic Parade Marks May Day In Moscow
HA shots Red Square - huge banners, portraits of Lenin & Stalin etc. British French & US military VIPs in attendance only Brits seen?. Stalin walking w/ President Khalilen ?, Marshal Borashilov & other Soviet officials; Stalin onto podium, crowd applauds. VS parade in progress - Red Army band & military units marching - Stalin saluting - excellent shot of helmeted infantry troops marching in lines past camera w/ rifles at ready. Japanese military observers watch display of Russian tanks & rocket launchers on US lend-lease trucks through Red Square, St. Basil’s Cathedral in BG. Good.
Gigantic Parade Marks May Day In Moscow HA shots Red Square - huge banners, portraits of Lenin & Stalin etc. British French & US military VIPs in attendance only Brits seen?. Stalin walking w/ President Khalilen ?, Marshal Borashilov & other Soviet officials; Stalin onto podium, crowd applauds. VS parade in progress - Red Army band & military units marching - Stalin saluting - excellent shot of helmeted infantry troops marching in lines past camera w/ rifles at ready. Japanese military observers watch display of Russian tanks & rocket launchers on US lend-lease trucks through Red Square, St. Basil’s Cathedral in BG. Good. WWII.