October Revolution 29th Anniversary Celebrations - Reel 1 of 4
Moscow scenes at dawn. Banners & portraits of Stalin etc. in preparation for celebrations. Vars shots of Russian civilians marching towards camera. Dancing in street. Brass band in parade. Women marching w/ linked arms. Top shot rainy Red Square w/ assembled civilians & military - CUs soldiers.
13:19:58 Soviet officials inc. Zhdanov & Shvernik onto balcony of mausoleum - applause. Marshal Govorov on horseback rides into Red Square, addresses troops & civilians then onto mausoleum balcony.
Post-WWII Russia / USSR. Communism.
October Revolution 29th Anniversary Celebrations - Reel 1 of 4 Moscow scenes at dawn. Banners & portraits of Stalin etc. in preparation for celebrations. Vars shots of Russian civilians marching towards camera. Dancing in street. Brass band in parade. Women marching w/ linked arms. Top shot rainy Red Square w/ assembled civilians & military - CUs soldiers. 13:19:58 Soviet officials inc. Zhdanov & Shvernik onto balcony of mausoleum - applause. Marshal Govorov on horseback rides into Red Square, addresses troops & civilians then onto mausoleum balcony. Post-WWII Russia / USSR. Communism.