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Go to HomepageReel Number: 300358
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1917,1910s
Country: Russia
TC Begins: 01:00:05
TC Ends: 01:06:06
Duration: 00:06:01
WWI - 1917, Russia: Revolution Activity Title: 1917. Russian revolution 01:00:08 Hauling down Czarist banner on building front; people watch; MCU cheering. MS Crowd w/ soldiers & civilians thru streets w/ Soviet flag & banners. High Angle / HA of parade 01:00:47 Traffic past as men in business suits hurry up steps, standing talking on top. HA of men betting or stock trading . 01:00:55 Soldiers w/ banners along muddy street / road in town / village. HA city parade of troops following artillery. 01:00:05 Title: 03Apr17... Painting of Lenin speech in Petrograd. CU Lenin letter. Bolshevik speakers indoors & outdoors w/ many soldiers and / or sailors in audience. Looking up at empty balcony, day & night w/ searchlight across. 01:02:17 Painting of Lenin speaking from balcony. 01:02:28 HA Marchers in street w/ banners. 01:02:46 HA Slaughter in streets, crowd being shot at, running & falling. 01:03:01 Montage: Lenin’s hideout when in exile; painting of Lenin at desk; Lenin’s passport & photo without mustache or beard but w/ curly hair. Lake shore & farm w/ hay, woods, barn loft, pond. 01:04:02 Montage: Street scene; Kerensky out of car, military & Generals saluting. Russians soldiers on rural hillside celebrate. Wagons w/ soldiers along muddy road. Russian steam train w/ soldiers on car roofs into station. 01:05:17 Title: 7. Russian... Large apartment or office building. Ornate wooden home (Lenin & Stalin hiding places?). 1917 Russian Newspaper headline & CU on article.. WW1; 1910s; Revoluition; Demonstrations; Stock Footage; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. NOT SPEED CORRECTED. Use 220879-9 for correct speed.