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Red Myth, The: #3, Theory & Tactics of Bolshevism On The March Pt. 2 of 3

Reel Number: 221275-02

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: N/A

Country: Russia

Location: Petersburg,St

TC Begins: 01:10:45

TC Ends: 01:20:21

Duration: 00:09:36

Red Myth, The: #3, Theory & Tactics of Bolshevism On The March Pt. 2 of 3 01:10:45 Sworakowsky lectures. 01:11:44 Illustrations of 1905 November w/ soldiers returning home, peasants uprising. Moscow printer strike igniting broader strike. Photos & illustrations, maps. St. Petersburg 01:13:49 Actors w/ Trotsky in St. Petersburg organizing Social Democrats, writing & giving orders. Czar giving in for a constitution. 01:19:06 Photo of Czar’s troops. Illustrations of arrests leading to strike collapse & end of 1905 Revolution. 01:19:39 Sworakowsky lectures. Dramatic History; Russian Revolution; Staged History;