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Reel Number: 221802-06
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1944,1940s
Country: Canada,England,France,Germany,United Kingdom,USA
Location: English Channel,Normandy
TC Begins: 18:46:32
TC Ends: 18:55:30
Duration: 00:08:58
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - 1944, Normandy Invasion - D-Day to D-3, 06-10Jun44 R2 of 4 POV during channel crossing; above gliders under tow, MS & LS. 18:47:04 Aerial, ships & wakes; view from ship of planes returning low over water. Aerial of bombs dropping, exploding in water; aerial of planes. 18:47:46 Rocket ships firing barrages. Landing craft to shore, intercut w/ planes; PT boats underway, landing craft in heavy seas; B-26s w/ stripes; landing craft loading & POV to shore w/ British troops. 18:49:32 Planes over shore & bombing coastal cities, smoke rising; bridges & roads bombed . 18:49:59 Ships landing in stormy weather; POV GOOD. Aircraft in flight above, dropping bombs & rockets; fighter planes; strafing runs. Ships firing offshore, smoking shoreline; landing craft & CUs, various landing craft towards shore. 18:52:16 Aerial above B-26 w/ landing craft below. Strafing over parked German aircraft w/ hits & fires - good explosion. B-24 dropping bombs, POV & explosions over railyard. 18:53:01 Landing craft close to shore & soldiers behind door w/ houses close by; doors swing open & men off & wade to shore w/ packs, shovels. GOOD. 18:54:03 POV alongside seagoing tanks in flotation collars onto beaches. Landing craft; tanks onto shore. GOOD. WW2; Operation Overlord; English Channel Crossing; Striped Military Aircraft; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at:
WWII - 1944 - US AAF Color Home Movies, Europe
WWII - 1943, Documentary: Campaign In Sicily R2 of 3
WWII - Documentary: Campaign In Sicily R1 of 3
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NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - 1944, Normandy Invasion - D-Day to D-3, 06-10Jun44 R2 of 4 POV during channel crossing; above gliders under tow, MS & LS. 18:47:04 Aerial, ships & wakes; view from ship of planes returning low over water. Aerial of bombs dropping, exploding in water; aerial of planes. 18:47:46 Rocket ships firing barrages. Landing craft to shore, intercut w/ planes; PT boats underway, landing craft in heavy seas; B-26s w/ stripes; landing craft loading & POV to shore w/ British troops. 18:49:32 Planes over shore & bombing coastal cities, smoke rising; bridges & roads bombed . 18:49:59 Ships landing in stormy weather; POV GOOD. Aircraft in flight above, dropping bombs & rockets; fighter planes; strafing runs. Ships firing offshore, smoking shoreline; landing craft & CUs, various landing craft towards shore. 18:52:16 Aerial above B-26 w/ landing craft below. Strafing over parked German aircraft w/ hits & fires - good explosion. B-24 dropping bombs, POV & explosions over railyard. 18:53:01 Landing craft close to shore & soldiers behind door w/ houses close by; doors swing open & men off & wade to shore w/ packs, shovels. GOOD. 18:54:03 POV alongside seagoing tanks in flotation collars onto beaches. Landing craft; tanks onto shore. GOOD. WW2; Operation Overlord; English Channel Crossing; Striped Military Aircraft; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: