WWII - 1944, Normandy Naval Activity Off Coast On D-Day, ca 06Jun44
MCU Sailors read message, insert of U.S. Atlantic Fleet message.
11:06:23 MS LCI underway.
11:06:35 Sailor on board ship reading notice. CUs.
11:06:59 Slate: Combat Photo Unit 8, US Navy, Greenawalt. Task force in English Channel, BBs, CIs, DDs, & PTs. Pan w/ PT, passes LCI & AP. MS-Pan LCVPs underway to beach. LS LCVPs heading for beach.
11:08:13 USS NEVADA fires BG w/ smoke screen behind. MS LCM heading for beach.
11:09:29 MS LCVP sinking, boat sinks, men swim away, are taken aboard.
11:10:12 Slate. LCVPs foundering, personnel removed, taken aboard, LCI.
11:11:21 Slate. LS LCT damaged by mine, DE in BG. MS Pt boat, loaded LCTs on way to beach. MS LCTs & LCCs on way to beach.
11:13:33 Slate. LCIs in convoy w/ barrage balloons. MS LCMs on way to beach, LCI BG-SV.
WW2 Navy; Invasions;
NOTE: Sold at per reel rate.
WWII - 1944, Normandy Naval Activity Off Coast On D-Day, ca 06Jun44 MCU Sailors read message, insert of U.S. Atlantic Fleet message. 11:06:23 MS LCI underway. 11:06:35 Sailor on board ship reading notice. CUs. 11:06:59 Slate: Combat Photo Unit 8, US Navy, Greenawalt. Task force in English Channel, BBs, CIs, DDs, & PTs. Pan w/ PT, passes LCI & AP. MS-Pan LCVPs underway to beach. LS LCVPs heading for beach. 11:08:13 USS NEVADA fires BG w/ smoke screen behind. MS LCM heading for beach. 11:09:29 MS LCVP sinking, boat sinks, men swim away, are taken aboard. 11:10:12 Slate. LCVPs foundering, personnel removed, taken aboard, LCI. 11:11:21 Slate. LS LCT damaged by mine, DE in BG. MS Pt boat, loaded LCTs on way to beach. MS LCTs & LCCs on way to beach. 11:13:33 Slate. LCIs in convoy w/ barrage balloons. MS LCMs on way to beach, LCI BG-SV. WW2 Navy; Invasions; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate.