WWII - D-Day Invasion Training; Naval Inspection Ceremony; Weather Balloon; Card Playing
LCU (?) US-592, Landing Craft Barge on beach, ramps laid - trying to get jeeps off landing craft onto sandy beach, sacking & ramps on sand.
02:09:16 Naval & army officers and personell line up on deck. Sailors inspected on deck. Officers inspection. Other nationality sailors inspected.
02:11:46 Rating comes on deck w/ weather balloon, up stairs past man sending semaphore message. Weather balloon secured, readings?. Balloon released and reading taken.
02:13:18 CU Hands shuffling & dealing playing cards; CUs. Below decks, CU various sailors relaxing.
02:14:23 Various ships at anchor. Anti-aircraft guns fired.
WW2 Shipboard Rest and Relaxation;
WWII - D-Day Invasion Training; Naval Inspection Ceremony; Weather Balloon; Card Playing LCU (?) US-592, Landing Craft Barge on beach, ramps laid - trying to get jeeps off landing craft onto sandy beach, sacking & ramps on sand. 02:09:16 Naval & army officers and personell line up on deck. Sailors inspected on deck. Officers inspection. Other nationality sailors inspected. 02:11:46 Rating comes on deck w/ weather balloon, up stairs past man sending semaphore message. Weather balloon secured, readings?. Balloon released and reading taken. 02:13:18 CU Hands shuffling & dealing playing cards; CUs. Below decks, CU various sailors relaxing. 02:14:23 Various ships at anchor. Anti-aircraft guns fired. WW2 Shipboard Rest and Relaxation;