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Yesterday’s Big Story - D-Day

Reel Number: 221485-18

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1963,1944

Country: England,France,United Kingdom

Location: Normandy

TC Begins: 15:24:14

TC Ends: 15:26:28

Duration: 00:02:14

Yesterday’s Big Story - D-Day Troops boarding ships for invasion. Ambulances lining roadside; tanks & gliders & other aircraft lined up. 15:24:38 Eisenhower confers w/ Montgomery. Aerial & from ship of convoy crossing English Channel. Allied air forces bomb France w/ explosions & smoke of city seen as bombs drop. 15:25:01 Ground to air planes over. Int. aircraft - paratroopers jumping - mass of parachutes in sky. 15:25:18 Ships firing guns as troops get into landing craft. View in landing craft & troops as doors open & landing on beach - casualties. Carrying stretcher along narrow beach; treating wounded. Aerial of ships on beach. Railway station. 15:26:08 Ike, Bradley & another; German prisoners of war - POWs, surrendering. Wounded evactuated by jeep; POWs marching along sandy road. WWII Invasion; Fighting;

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