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Eisenhower, Zhukov, Montgomery in Frankfurt - Dead Soviet PoWs

Reel Number: 221122-07

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1942-1945

Country: Germany,Russia

Location: Frankfurt,Stalingrad

TC Begins: 16:18:51

TC Ends: 16:23:02

Duration: 00:04:11

Eisenhower, Zhukov, Montgomery in Frankfurt - Dead Soviet PoWs L-R Montgomery, Eisenhower & Zhukov up steps outisde building past photographers - Frankfurt, 10Jun45?. Three Generals toast on steps. CU Ike & Zhukov looking up to sky at planes. Top shot military band playing. Soviet flag. 16:20:51 Troops examine bodies of dead Soviet prisoners of war (POW) littering snowy ground - some burned / mutilated - killed by Germans. Heavy guns firing in retaliation - probably Stalingrad. 16:22:45 Street scene w/ emotional civilians - greeting troops? - CU blonde woman wiping eyes - waving unid. flag w/ large white strip above smaller dark strip - shop sign in German visible in BG. WWII. Eastern Front. Russia / USSR.

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