Reel Number: 250122-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1944,
Country: France,Holland,India,Italy,Russia,Serbia,Spain,USSR
Location: Castel Gandolfo,Kirovograd,Malagal,Monte Cassino,Trieste
TC Begins: 04:29:53
TC Ends: 04:40:49
Duration: 00:10:56
WWII - 1944, German Newsreel, Monte Cassino, Italy; Vatican; Russian Front Titles. 04:30:14 New recruits in the Dutch Workers Service presented w/ symbolic shovels to work for “New Germany” 04:30:32 Greek Orthodox (aka Greek Catholic) religious ceremony in Serbia. Serbian national dance in courtyard marks end of Slav festival. 04:31:08 Yacht race off Malaga in Spain. 04:31:17 Czechoslovakian soldiers demonstrate skiing in High Tatras mountains; officers watch. 04:31:29 French fishing boats set sail, leaving harbor; under German motor torpedo boat protection. Commentary suggests PT boat protection is to prevent the French from escaping across Channel. Twin anti-aircraft guns on larger ship (GOOD CUs) fire at Allied bomber. 04:32:53 On board French fishing boat, herring sorted & salted. Drying fish in ovens. 04:33:10 Trieste - Italian army celebrate Catholic mass on parade ground. Men swear allegiance to flag. MCU Officer speaking (MOS), kissing flag. 04:33:54 Map of Italy & Corsica. Southern Italian front. German reenforcements moving up, supplies. Provisions by donkey along ridge, to mountain positions. Bread taken into foxhole. German artillery & planes overhead. 04:34:59 OSS commentary says following footage in German newsreel is religious propaganda. Monte Cassino monastery before bombing. Bombing & ruins of Abbey at Cassino. OSS commentary says the Abbey was being used as an observation post for German military purposes. Monk, Abbot of Monte Cassino walking w/ German officers, into car, arriving Vatican City. Sign. 04:36:12 Castel Gandolfo in ruins, OSS commentary says German commentary said there were 15,000 women & children refugees lost in the raid. Bodies of dead children on roadside. Stretcher carried from rubble of village. 04:36:41 Map, Eastern Front, Northern sector w/ Leningrad. German vehicles retreating on snow covered roads. Bombs towed behind vehicles to blow bridges after crossing (scorched earth). Burning buildings; & Germans exploding buildings. 04:37:50 German soldiers smoking pipe, eating, drinking wine from bottle - officer with Iron Cross. CU. 04:38:15 Troops in snowy foxholes. Heavy German tanks of the “panther” type. German soldier on field telephone. Artillery & explosions 04:39:05 Map showing Moscow & Kirovograd - German armored division makes counter attack. Armor & troops dressed in white move out across snow. Artillery fired. Field telephone. Large rocket guns fired, good shots. Equipment wreckage. 04:40:35 Long line of Russian prisoners of war. WW2; ca Mar44; Fighting; Winter; German Propaganda to show happy & prosperous living in the “New Order”; Reverse Propaganda; NOTE: In our experience German Nazi material is considered in the public domain throughout the world. If users feel any further clearances are necessary they are to be their own responsibility.