Tunisian Victory R7 of 8
Animated map of encircled German held land at Tunis & Bizerte & Allied supply route.
04:21:25 Shadow of men riding on tank along ground; trucks & tanks advancing. Animation of diagram of cylinder & explosion.
04:21:49 Pan over mountains near Tunsis & Bizerte. Hill 609, Longstop Hill, Goubellat Plain, Djebel Mansour & Takrouna battle locations shown. Fighting, mine removal.
04:22:29 Goubellat Plain & tanks advancing towards Tunis. Fighting; burning tank, destroyed equipment.
04:23:16 British 78th Division infantry attacking Longstop Hill w/ machine guns; climbing hillside w/ rope. Grenades. Explosions. Running w/ rifles & bayonets. Mortars fired. Dead Germans. GOOD
04:24:48 Bulldozers & men building roads.
04:25:07 Americans attacking Hill 609. Artillery firing from camouflaged position. Explosions & much smoke. Night fighting. Command position & maps. Advancing. Doctor operating on wounded. GOOD.
04:27:20 Men digging into rocky ground; men marching up Hill 609.
04:27:50 Gen. Montgomery & others of Eighth Army planning. Advancing. Men loading ammunition & bombs into planes. Bomber w/ nose art re Idaho. Plane motors starting. Soldiers watch planes flying over. POV from planes in formations. Ground attack w/ mortars, infantry, machine guns.
04:29:22 British naval firnig barrages. Tanks firing
WW2; WWII; Military Planning; 1944; 1943; 1940s; North African Fighting; Operation Torch; Operation Acrobat; Army Air Force; Tunisia; Libya;
NOTE: Good quality. Film contains staged footage as well as actuality.
Tunisian Victory R7 of 8 Animated map of encircled German held land at Tunis & Bizerte & Allied supply route. 04:21:25 Shadow of men riding on tank along ground; trucks & tanks advancing. Animation of diagram of cylinder & explosion. 04:21:49 Pan over mountains near Tunsis & Bizerte. Hill 609, Longstop Hill, Goubellat Plain, Djebel Mansour & Takrouna battle locations shown. Fighting, mine removal. 04:22:29 Goubellat Plain & tanks advancing towards Tunis. Fighting; burning tank, destroyed equipment. 04:23:16 British 78th Division infantry attacking Longstop Hill w/ machine guns; climbing hillside w/ rope. Grenades. Explosions. Running w/ rifles & bayonets. Mortars fired. Dead Germans. GOOD 04:24:48 Bulldozers & men building roads. 04:25:07 Americans attacking Hill 609. Artillery firing from camouflaged position. Explosions & much smoke. Night fighting. Command position & maps. Advancing. Doctor operating on wounded. GOOD. 04:27:20 Men digging into rocky ground; men marching up Hill 609. 04:27:50 Gen. Montgomery & others of Eighth Army planning. Advancing. Men loading ammunition & bombs into planes. Bomber w/ nose art re Idaho. Plane motors starting. Soldiers watch planes flying over. POV from planes in formations. Ground attack w/ mortars, infantry, machine guns. 04:29:22 British naval firnig barrages. Tanks firing WW2; WWII; Military Planning; 1944; 1943; 1940s; North African Fighting; Operation Torch; Operation Acrobat; Army Air Force; Tunisia; Libya; NOTE: Good quality. Film contains staged footage as well as actuality.