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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1560-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1942,1940s
Country: Germany,Italy
Location: Atlantic,North Africa
TC Begins: 13:00:08
TC Ends: 13:09:50
Duration: 00:09:42
WWII - 1942, Italians & Axis Officers, North Africa; Submarine Barbarigo Prepares For Sea, 28May42 13:00:20 North Africa, planes on field; meeting of Chiefs of Staff of the Axis. Arrival at airport of General Bastico, General Ugo Cavallero, General Rommel, and General Kesselring. 13:01:09 Interior meeting w/ officers around large table. Exterior. 13:01:21 African Front: Three camels & soldiers of Colonial Camel Corps across flat desert on scouting mission. Long pack train w/ soldiers on camels; Natives & Italians, MCU. Trucks pulling artillery move out. Camels resting, troops moving artillery; Natives running w/ flags & rifles; up dunes, firing machines guns from top; firing mortars & light artillery. 13:04:08 Camels saddled, mounted & ride off. GOOD. 13:04:43 Italian Submarines in the Atlantic: German Admiral Doenitz inspects one of the Italian submarine bases, sailors & officers at attention. On behalf of the Fuehrer, he decorates four of the submarine commanders; CU medals & pinning awards, handshakes. Reviewing troops. 13:05:40 Loading torpedo onto submarine Barbarigo; CU sailors winching torpedo into submarine. Sailor writes Roosevelt on torpedo. Shells unloaded from truck & onto submarine. Cases of ?? loaded. Submarine cast off & leaving dock. Men working inside submarine. Crew on deck waving goodbye. GOOD CUs. 13;08:52 Map of Atlantic w/ animated route to South America & intercepting model of large ship & sinking. 13:09:34 Large battleship underway. The End. WW2; 1942 Fighting; Battles; Italian Newsreel; Ceremony; 1940s; NOTE: Barbarigo sank a tanker & a ship for a total tonnage of 22,000 tons. She also sank a battleship of the Maryland class, off the coast of Brazil. MOSTLY GOOD QUALITY & COVERAGE.