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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250180-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1942
Country: Egypt,England,United Kingdom
Location: El Alamein,North Africa,port Tewfik,Red Sea
TC Begins: 02:11:25
TC Ends: 02:31:29
Duration: 00:20:04
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - 1942, North Africa: British Desert Activities, Tanks & Artillery, Tanks Off Ships, On Railroad Dark shot of tanks across desert; smoke screen. Tanks moving across desert l. to r. Pas smoke grenade. 02:12:27 Low Crusader tank in camouflage paint towed r. to 1. CU man wearing headset standing on top. 02:12:36 Men unloading mobile 6-pounder anti-tank artillery from rear of truck using metal ramps, then by winching & rolling down, men fire & reload & fire multiple times. Reload onto truck w/ hand cranked winch. 02:14:25 Firing large barreled gun . 02:14:40 RASC & Armoured Corps personnel unloading ammunition from canvas covered army truck, load shells into armored vehicle or tank. Army truck pulls up alongside Crusader tank & men unload gasoline / fuel & pour into tank from 5 gallon cans. 02:16:24 Camouflage painted Cruiser Mk VI / A15 Crusader tank firing 2-pounder gun & co-axial Besa machine-gun; view from top as 2-pounder casings thrown out onto desert; view from ground. Tank leaves l. to r. CU casings. 02:17:49 LS planes overhead, smoke on desert. CU burning Stuka wreckage on coastal desert w/ water in edge & soldiers walking past. CU badly burned & charred corpses / body / bodies & wreckage. 02:18:30 Major-General seated in field chair w/ other officers talking at maps. MCU of two officers. 02:18:50 British soldiers carry ammunition boxes & load into truck; disassemble Bren machine gun; pull on barrel fo an SMLE rifle. Put on ammo pouches & steel helmet. March towards & past. 02:19:44 LS View of explosions from Germans & wreckage; troops nearby breaking camp . 02:20:16 Port Twefik, Red Sea. Lift tank from hold & unloading Sherman tanks & M7 Priest self-propelled gun w/ 105mm gun covered in planking from ship by crane onto barges. Lifting large pallets of very large US 500 lb bombs, Arabs moving them. MCU Dockworkers & British work on M4 Sherman tanks / preparing. 02:25:28 LS materials stacked along dock, Arab workers visible. Barge w/ Army trucks & ?? under canvas. M7 Priest Self Propelled Guns driven off. 02:26:09 Railroad flatcars w/ tanks & ?? covered by tarps leaving, Arabs walking past, freight cars. 02:26:31 Men pounding blocks / chocks under tank treads, MCUs. Engine past pulling loaded tanks GOOD 02:27:16 Desert, large artillery w/ tattered netting behind destroyed German 8t half-tarack prim-mover & 8.8cm flak cannon it was towing, pan to bomb on desert; burned out VW Kubelwagen / vehicles, British soldiers inspect. CUs. 02:28:15 British soldiers beside stone oven in desert, fire going & cooking. 02:28:23 Fire burning heavily on two German vehicles; soldier in foxhole / sangar w/ rocks around; CU burning vehicles; man by graves. 02:29:14 Circle of tanks. CU squadron commander on top of white M3 Lee medium tank w/ two signal flags gesturing. MS from top of tank w/ men on turrets; CU man wearing beret talking into microphone. CU from top of tank, barrel firing. View of M3 Lee & Grant tank crews talking from above. MS General Gatehouse, GOC 10th Armoured Division climbing onto top of Crusader tank & sit in turret as it pulls out, then watching w/ binoculars as others firing. M3 Grant tanks in line some moving; firing 75mm guns from position. Battles; Fighting; Desert Warfare; Armored Divisions; British 8th Army; Lend Lease; El Alamein; Great Britain; England; NOTE: uncertain date. NOTE: Any continuous ten minutes sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: