WWII - German Newsreel Excerpts, 1943 R3 of 4
Continue... 200,000 hp diesel engine operating.
11:15:53 Map of China & Japan w/ German names. Japanese thru heavy forests into Yunnan Province; along roads. Various ethnic native peoples along road raising arms, watching. Map w/ arrow south of Nanking. Japanese w/ pack animals & climbing on foot up mountain. Firing rifles, artillery from brush. March along ridgeline & descend down massive rocky canyon. Climb w/ flags up hill; firing machine guns, explosions.
11:17:54 Map of Tunisia, North Africa. Camouflaged artillery, tanks w/ soldiers shaving, waiting. Tanks on dusty road, thru field. Men clearing road & vehicles up steep hill. Troops march, tanks across field. POV from tank. Firing. Battle & explosions; pan tanks. Burning American tanks & trucks on road; prisoners w/ hands in air. British POWs. Captured American GIs. Rommel & other Germans past large cactus & inspect US tanks on rocky roadside.
11:21:00 Gen. Newmann (sp?) decorates Dutch Nazi fascist soldiers after fighting in USSR. Iron Cross awarded.
11:21:38 Map w/ Kertsch, Rostow, Krasnodar. Coastline w/ soldiers running out of cave to artillery, remove camouflage; fire large coastal artillery. Inland running w/ mines; burning tank. Firing in forest, destroyed tank burning near coast. Tanks on landing craft & abandoned in water near beach w/ heavy damage.
WWII German Propaganda; 1943 ca; Power; WW2 Japanese Invasion; Battles; Fighting; Coastal Defenses; Axis;
NOTE: In our experience German Nazi material is considered in the public domain throughout the world; however if users feel any further clearances are necessary they are to be their own responsibility.
WWII - German Newsreel Excerpts, 1943 R3 of 4 Continue... 200,000 hp diesel engine operating. 11:15:53 Map of China & Japan w/ German names. Japanese thru heavy forests into Yunnan Province; along roads. Various ethnic native peoples along road raising arms, watching. Map w/ arrow south of Nanking. Japanese w/ pack animals & climbing on foot up mountain. Firing rifles, artillery from brush. March along ridgeline & descend down massive rocky canyon. Climb w/ flags up hill; firing machine guns, explosions. 11:17:54 Map of Tunisia, North Africa. Camouflaged artillery, tanks w/ soldiers shaving, waiting. Tanks on dusty road, thru field. Men clearing road & vehicles up steep hill. Troops march, tanks across field. POV from tank. Firing. Battle & explosions; pan tanks. Burning American tanks & trucks on road; prisoners w/ hands in air. British POWs. Captured American GIs. Rommel & other Germans past large cactus & inspect US tanks on rocky roadside. 11:21:00 Gen. Newmann (sp?) decorates Dutch Nazi fascist soldiers after fighting in USSR. Iron Cross awarded. 11:21:38 Map w/ Kertsch, Rostow, Krasnodar. Coastline w/ soldiers running out of cave to artillery, remove camouflage; fire large coastal artillery. Inland running w/ mines; burning tank. Firing in forest, destroyed tank burning near coast. Tanks on landing craft & abandoned in water near beach w/ heavy damage. WWII German Propaganda; 1943 ca; Power; WW2 Japanese Invasion; Battles; Fighting; Coastal Defenses; Axis; NOTE: In our experience German Nazi material is considered in the public domain throughout the world; however if users feel any further clearances are necessary they are to be their own responsibility.