Reel Number: 220913-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1941,1940s
Country: Canada,China,England,Indochina,Japan,Singapore,United Kingdom,USA,Vietnam
Location: North Atlantic,Peiping / Peking,Saigon,Southeast Asia
TC Begins: 17:00:00
TC Ends: 17:11:11
Duration: 00:11:11
Pre-WWII - 1941, Japanese Newsreel: China; Indochina; North Atlantic Conference; Singapore Japanese sailors march on parade ground 17:00:55 Captured American prisoners of war walk down Peiping (Peking, Beijing) street - several captured GIs embark freight train. POWs seated in room. Group of captured US personnel onto deck - Commander sends message to President Roosevelt that they were captured on Wake Island by the Japanese & are being treated well (Japanese subtitles in vision) 17:02:43 Saigon, Indochina street scene - taping windows against blast damage - buildings sandbagged - digging trenches for air raid shelter. Front of British Embassy - car parked in front of Japanese official building, British ambassador enters building. British embassy, probably Japan - American embassy probably Japan. Newspaper headlines re Pearl Harbor (Japanese) Tojo (Japanese PM ) makes speech. Head of Japanese War Information Centre makes speech. News bulletin - moving electric banner showing battle results of December 8th. Japanese naval & army officers announce battle results - press. 17:08:08 Map of Pacific area. Japanese troops in tropical area preparing for battle; Japanese tanks & armored cars advance on road - coconut trees. 17:09:40 Aug41, Atlantic Conference. President Roosevelt (FDR) & Churchill meet on British Battleship Prince of Wales - British preparing for action in Singapore - unloading military equipment from ships - Indian troops - British troops & artillery on parade ground. WW2 Preparations; Southeast Asia; Colonialism; British Empire; French Colonialism; 1940s;