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Post-WWII - 1946, Germany: War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, 18-19Jun46; Dachau, 20Jun46

Reel Number: 220978-16

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1945,1940s

Country: Germany,USA

Location: Dachau,Nuremberg

TC Begins: 14:32:56

TC Ends: 14:41:08

Duration: 00:08:12

Post-WWII - 1946, Germany: War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, 18-19Jun46; Dachau, 20Jun46 Munich No. 248 20Jun46 MS Albert Speer in courtroom led to stand w/ guard, puts on headphones; British judge (?) asks name & reads oath in English, Speer repeats in German w/ hand held up; sits down. 14:34:01 LS Speer seated w/ guard, listens to statement in German by Dr Kreschner (?); pan across courtroom to panel of judges; judge or prosecutor questions exhibits. LS Speer listens to evidence; MS answers questions in German 14:36:42 Munich No. 245 14:36:46 18-19Jun46 Malmedmy massacre trial held in Dachau. Nazi Waffen SS General Herman Priess testifying. Officer sits in chair on platform, ‘45’ on card hung around neck. US translator seated to left, translates various questions (birth date May 24, 1901), married w/ 3 children, & other answers about military career - officer details progress from entry into Army in 1919 up to battalion commander in 1939. Asked questions about other officers. CUs officer & translator. Spectators seen behind. Post-WW2; War Criminals Testimony; 1940s; NOTE: Priess commanded the Totenkopf SS Division beginning February, 1943; 30Oct44 appointed commander of SS Panzer Corps during Battle of the Bulge. He was sentenced to 20 years, released in 1954.

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